Alright, since i’ve mentioned that i’m having a break on the Youtube community page on my channel, gotta say my break’s over sometimes i get inactive because i get to spend time with my parents very often in a hot country, strange right? I’m born in a hot country, went to the plane and that place is a REALLY HOT country, it depends. And i’m animating on a new work which unfortunately is very very short, i want to make long works but that’s gotta take months (or weeks), yup. It’s OSC related (no, not my idea on making an object show), just a funny line from BFDI.
Alright, that’s it, BABUSHKA! (I like saying that word the way i say byebye, why? My aunt uses baboosh (it doesn’t mean anything in my language, just random) to say goodbye (remember, snarky stuff is common in this country). Alright, a real one, BABUSHKA!